Overlay Plots in Matlab Programming
MATLAB provide us the power to combine plots in several ways. This has the power
to Combine plots in the same axes, or create multiple axes in a figure using subplots.
Combine Plots in Same Axes
By default, new plots clear existing plots and reset axes properties in the MATLAB, such as the
title. However, user can use the hold on command to combine multiple plots in the same axes. For
example, plotting two lines and a scatter plot. Then reset the hold state to off.
x = linspace(0,10,50);
y1 = sin(x);
title('Combine Plots')
hold on
y2 = sin(x/2);
y3 = 2*sin(x);
hold off
When the hold state is on, new plots will not clear existing plots or reset axes
properties, such as the title or axis labels. The plots cycle with colors and lines styles based
on the ColorOrder and LineStyleOrder properties of the axes. The axes limits and tick values
might adjust to adjust new data.
Create Multiple Axes in Figure Using Subplots
Create multiple axes in a single figure using the subplot function, this divides the figure into
a grid of subplots. The first two inputs to subplot shows the number of subplots in each row and
column. The third input shows which subplot is active. MATLAB numbers subplot positions by row.
Graphics functions like as plot and title, target the active subplot.
Create Subplot that Spans Multiple Grid Positions
To create a subplot that spans multiple grid positions, user will have to specify the third
input argument to the subplot function as an array of positions.