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cartoonizing real images

Date: 2023-01-03 14:34:38

does anybody know we can translate from real image captured using cameras be converted to the cartoon space ?

Please note that my goal is not to create animations or the likes, but just to translate to "cartoon colors" if possible.

will simple requantization to a space where there is less quantization levels work Or some other specific transforms are better ?

any help will be useful, as I wasn't able to find any material on this.

Thnx in advance. 


Pyramid mean shift + outline of detected edges seems does the job.

The code:


cv::Mat segmented, gray, edges;
cv::pyrMeanShiftFiltering(input, segmented, 15, 40);
cv::cvtColor(segmented, gray);
cv::Canny(gray, edges, 150, 150);
cv::cvtColor(edges, edgesBgr, CV_GRAY2BGR);
cv::Mat result = bgr - edgesBgr;

Here is a result i got:

Details: OpenCV Tutorial Part 6


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