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Convert MATLAB char array to string

Date: 2022-07-28 10:52:12

Starting with the MATLAB char array, A: 


A(1,1) = 'A'
A(1,2) = 'P'
A(1,3) = 'R'
A(2,1) = 'M'
A(2,2) = 'A'
A(2,3) = 'Y'

How can this be converted to a cell of strings, B, such that: 


 B{1} = 'APR'
B{2} = 'MAY' 

Edit: A is a cell and using the function cellstr gives the error 


Error using cellstr (line 23)
S must be 2-D. 


Use the following function: 


>> B =  cellstr(A)

B = 


>> B{1}

ans =



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