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Creating movie by sequence of plots in matlab

Date: 2022-12-22 13:31:46

I created an animation using the code in the answer of presenting motion of random walkers in matlab

After running the answer code, you can see a movie by sequences of plots. Is there a way to save the sequence of plots as movie? 


You can create a video of a plot by using the VideoWriter object in the following steps:

1) Create and open the video object (also specifying the name of the video) 


vidObj = VideoWriter('SIN_X_COS_X.avi');

 in the plotting loop, get the current frame after the the call to plot with the getframe function 


currFrame = getframe;

write the curent frame in the video file 



close the video object at the end of the plotting loop


With respect to the code of the answer you are referring to, you just have to add the above statements, in the location mentined in the step description.

In the following you can find a possible implementation of the proposed approach. 


% Generate some data t=0:.01:2*pi; sin_x=sin(t); cos_x=cos(t); % Open a figure and crate the axes figure axes; % % STEP 1: % % Create and open the video object vidObj = VideoWriter('SIN_X_COS_X.avi'); open(vidObj); % % Loop over the data to create the video for i=1:length(t) % Plot the data h(1)=plot(t(i),sin_x(i),'o','markerfacecolor','r','markersize',5); hold on plot(t(1:i),sin_x(1:i),'r') plot(t(1:i),cos_x(1:i),'b') h(2)=plot(t(i),cos_x(i),'o','markerfacecolor','b','markersize',5); set(gca,'xlim',[0 2*pi],'ylim',[-1.3 1.3]) % % STEP 2 % % Get the current frame currFrame = getframe; % % STEP 3 % % Write the current frame writeVideo(vidObj,currFrame); % delete(h) end % % STEP 4 % % Close (and save) the video object close(vidObj);

Hope this helps,


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