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how to select the object with the largest area?

Date: 2023-01-05 14:38:04

I have used bwconvhull to detect a certain part of the image, as you can see in the image, there are number of objects with certain centroids. What I want to do is to detect the object with the largest area (1st big one from the left) and neglect the others.

Which method should I follow?

I will be very thankful for your help. The following is the code (it's very roughly written as I am still working on it. Sorry for any inconvenience in advance) 


CH_objects = bwconvhull(c,'objects');
title('Objects Convex Hull');
Ilabel = bwlabel(CH_objects,8);
stat = regionprops(Ilabel,'centroid');
hold on;
for x = 1:numel(stat)

use Area and PixelIdxList in regionprops, this means to edit the to the following line: 


stat = regionprops(Ilabel,'Centroid','Area','PixelIdxList');

The maximum area and it's struct index is given by 


[maxValue,index] = max([stat.Area]);

The linear index of pixels of each area is given by `stat.PixelIdxList', you can use them to delete that given area (I assume this means to assign zeros to it) 




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