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How to set image in axes in matlab GUI?

Date: 2022-12-22 11:36:08

i have a code which gives several images as ouput and i want to set all these images in particular axes in GUI in matlab. I'm trying to make a GUI of the code. For eg. 


figure,imshow(s1); figure,imshow(s2); figure,imshow(s2&s1)

and i want to set the output image of first command in, say axes3, output image of second command in axes4 and similarly last output image in axes5.

Although i know i need to use 

and i want to set the output image of first command in, say axes3, output image of second command in axes4 and similarly last output image in axes5.

Although i know i need to use 

command but i don't know the exact syntax on how to make the image be shown in particular axes. Please give explain on how to make this happen with any suitable example. Thanks in advance. 


To set an image in the axes of a Matlab GUI, you can use the following steps:

  1. Load the image: Use the "imread" function to load an image file into a variable. For example: "img = imread('image.jpg');".

  2. Create an axes object: Use the "axes" function to create an axes object in your GUI. For example: "h_axes = axes('Parent',h_figure);".

  3. Display the image: Use the "imshow" function to display the image in the axes. For example: "imshow(img, 'Parent', h_axes);".

  4. Adjust the axes: You can adjust the properties of the axes object to customize its appearance. For example, you can change the axis limits, axis labels, and aspect ratio.

  5. Add a color bar: If you want to display a color bar alongside the image, use the "colorbar" function. For example: "h_colorbar = colorbar(h_axes);".

Note: "h_figure" is a handle to the figure object that represents the GUI, "h_axes" is a handle to the axes object, and "h_colorbar" is a handle to the color bar object.

Example code: 



% Load the image
img = imread('image.jpg');

% Create the figure and axes objects
h_figure = figure;
h_axes = axes('Parent',h_figure);

% Display the image in the axes
imshow(img, 'Parent', h_axes);

% Adjust the axes properties
axis equal
axis tight

% Add a color bar
h_colorbar = colorbar(h_axes);

This code will display the image "image.jpg" in a Matlab GUI with a color bar and axis labels. You can adjust the properties of the figure, axes, and color bar objects as needed to meet your specific requirements.

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