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How to set object property to Abstract class

Date: 2023-08-03 11:46:42

I am getting errors when I try to set an object property type to an Abstract class "matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous" as below:


classdef demoClass
    TestProperty matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous   
    function obj = demoClass
      % constructor that does not affect the property

The error I get is

>> demoClass
Error defining property 'TestProperty' of class 'demoClass'. Class matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous is abstract. Specify a default value for property TestProperty.


you're encountering errors when trying to set an object property type to an abstract class "matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous" in MATLAB. The matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous class is used to enable heterogeneous arrays in MATLAB, which means you can have arrays containing objects of different classes that inherit from the same base class.

However, without the specific error message you're encountering, it's a bit difficult to provide a precise solution. Nonetheless, I can give you some general advice on how to approach this issue:

    1. Check Inheritance: Ensure that the class you're trying to use as a property type inherits from matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous. If the class does not inherit from this abstract class, you will not be able to set it as the property type.

    2. Syntax and Typing: Make sure you're using the correct syntax for setting a property type. Here's an example of how you might do it:
    MyProperty (matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous)
  1. Error Message Analysis: Carefully analyze the error message you're receiving. It might provide you with valuable information about what exactly is causing the issue.

  2. Namespace: Verify that you are correctly referencing the matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous class and it's in the expected namespace. The correct namespace might be different depending on your MATLAB version.

  3. MATLAB Version Compatibility: Ensure that the matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous class is available and supported in your MATLAB version. If you're using an older version, it's possible that the class might not exist.

To specify an Abstract class as a property for a MATLAB class, you must also specify a default value for the property which is a class that is derived from the abstract class you specified.
The code below demonstrates how the code you provided might be modified to accomplish this workflow.
classdef demoClass
    TestProperty matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous = rootClass
    function obj = demoClass
      % constructor that does not affect the property

classdef rootClass < matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous
    function obj = rootClass

And now you should be able to instantiate an instance of "demoClass":

>> demoClass
ans = 
  demoClass with properties
    TestProperty: [1×1 rootClass]


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