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How to transfer variables from Matlab to Python

Date: 2022-12-19 12:30:17

I would like to transfer some of variables calculated in Matlab (R2022a) to Python environment (3.10).

I have figured out that the SciPy package has function loadmat() and I may save vars in mat file and then I should read the file with Python. However, I'm not able to use the function. 


import scipy scipy.loadmat('myVars.mat')

The interpreter argues that there is no such function as loadmat().

Thanks in advance! 


You are almost at home. The function loadmat()' is in a sub-package'. IO means input/output. You should import and use it in that way: 


import var_from_mat ='myVars.mat')

For the future, remember to check if the function is defined in the main package or in some of the sub-packages. 


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