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MATLAB getframe captures whatever is on screen

Date: 2022-11-23 12:21:42

I am trying to create a movie from my MATLAB plot. When I call getframe, it "usually" captures the plot image, but sometimes if there is something else active on the screen (which is normal if I continue to use the computer) it captures whatever window is active. Is there another way to grab the image of the active figure?


fig = figure;
aviobj = avifile('sample.avi','compression','None');
for i=1:t
    plot(...); % some arbitrary plotting
    hold on;
    plot(...); % some other arbitrary plotting
    axis([0 50 0 50]);
    aviobj = addframe(aviobj, getframe(fig));
aviobj = close(aviobj); 


OK, found the solution; instead of 


aviobj = addframe(aviobj, getframe(fig)); 

sending the figure handle directly to addframe is enough: 


 aviobj = addframe(aviobj, fig);


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