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Plotting and Saving as File in MATLAB

Date: 2022-07-18 11:23:10

I need to plot and save to image file in MATLAB. Here is the code that I am calling inside a 'for' loop: 


hold on
t = linspace(-80,80);
y = -model.w(1)*t/model.w(2);
% need to save this plot to image to a file here 

Now, this is starter code that I am using for some work and I don't understand it completely (example - the command 'figure'). There have been suggestions to use saveas or print but I believe I need handles for them. Could someone help me out here? 


figure() is a function which returns a handle to the figure: 


 f = figure()
You can then use this handle to save the figure:
saveas(f, 'image.png'); 

Take a look at the tutorials on Handle Graphics to learn more.

scatter, and plot also return handles to the collection of points, or the lines, or whatever, they've plotted.

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