Regularized logistic regression code in matlab
Date: 2022-07-15 11:05:41
I'm trying my hand at regularized LR, simple with this formulas in matlab:
The cost function:
J(theta) = 1/m*sum((-y_i)*log(h(x_i)-(1-y_i)*log(1-h(x_i))))+(lambda/2*m)*sum(theta_j)
The gradient:
∂J(theta)/∂theta_0 = [(1/m)*(sum((h(x_i)-y_i)*x_j)] if j=0
∂j(theta)/∂theta_n = [(1/m)*(sum((h(x_i)-y_i)*x_j)]+(lambda/m)*(theta_j) if j>1
This is not matlab code is just the formula.
So far I've done this:
function [J, grad] = costFunctionReg(theta, X, y, lambda)
J = 0;
grad = zeros(size(theta));
temp_theta = [];
%cost function
%get the regularization term
for jj = 2:length(theta)
temp_theta(jj) = theta(jj)^2;
theta_reg = lambda/(2*m)*sum(temp_theta);
temp_sum =[];
%for the sum in the cost function
for ii =1:m
temp_sum(ii) = -y(ii)*log(sigmoid(theta'*X(ii,:)'))-(1-y(ii))*log(1-sigmoid(theta'*X(ii,:)'));
tempo = sum(temp_sum);
J = (1/m)*tempo+theta_reg;
%theta 0
reg_theta0 = 0;
for jj=1:m
reg_theta0(jj) = (sigmoid(theta'*X(m,:)') -y(jj))*X(jj,1)
reg_theta0 = (1/m)*sum(reg_theta0)
grad_temp(1) = reg_theta0
%for the rest of thetas
reg_theta = [];
thetas_sum = 0;
for ii=2:size(theta)
for kk =1:m
reg_theta(kk) = (sigmoid(theta'*X(m,:)') - y(kk))*X(kk,ii)
thetas_sum(ii) = (1/m)*sum(reg_theta)+(lambda/m)*theta(ii)
reg_theta = []
for i=1:size(theta)
if i == 1
grad(i) = grad_temp(i)
grad(i) = thetas_sum(i)
And the cost function is giving correct results, but I have no idea why the gradient (one step) is not, the cost gives J = 0.6931 which is correct and the gradient grad = 0.3603 -0.1476 0.0320, which is not, the cost starts from 2 because the parameter theta(1) does not have to be regularized, any help? I guess there is something wrong with the code, but after 4 days I can't see it.Thanks