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How to find inverse Laplace Transforms using MATLAB ?

Date: 2024-04-01 14:50:39

we will see how to find Laplace Transform in MATLAB. Laplace Transform helps to simplify problems that involve Differential Equations into algebraic equations. Inverse Laplace Transform converts Laplace Domain Function F(s) into time-domain function f(t)



% specify the variable a, t and s 
% as symbolic ones
syms a t s
% define function F(s) 
F = s/(a^2 + s^2);
% ilaplace command to transform into time
% domain function f(t)  
% Inverse Laplace Function
% Display the output value
% Output can be verified by transforming 
% function f1 into Laplace Domain F(s)
f=laplace(f1,t,s);  % Laplace Function

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