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how to find transient response chracteristics of a step function in MATLAB

Date: 2022-12-13 12:54:27


How do you plot a transient response of a function on MATLAB?

For Example, I have the function:  


s1 = Feedback(J1,h)

 can get the step response by utilizing step(s1)

When typing s1 = Feedback(J1,h) I result in the graph below:

How can I find the transient response characteristics of this a specific step function on MATLAB? 

enter image description here 



To acquire the transient response data of a system in MATLAB you can use the step function with output arguments 


>> [yout, tout] = step(syst); 

yout and tout will be the data MATLAB uses to plot the step response of the system if you had used just 


>> step(syst);


If you don't supply a time vector to step MATLAB will automatically determine the time for which it calculates the step response of the system. This is generally undesirable and you should produce a time vector for MATLAB to use.

If, instead, you are interested in the transient response characteristics you can use the MATLAB function stepinfo 


>> stepinfo(syst) ans = RiseTime: 0.5541 SettlingTime: 2.1165 SettlingMin: 0.4451 SettlingMax: 0.5454 Overshoot: 12.7135 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.5454 PeakTime: 1.2441


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