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Is there a way of selectively including code when publishing in Matlab?

Date: 2022-07-11 10:39:41

I'm writing MATLAB code in order to publish it later. By publishing, I mean the built-in MATLAB publish tool that allows the programmer to make a full report generated from their MATLAB code. There's an option to include the code with this report, section by section, preceding the results of this code. Is there a way to tell MATLAB to include some of this code in the report but not all of it? I know there are quite a few markup code tags, but I wasn't able to find anything on this topic. 

Edit: Just to clarify, I want all results to be published, but only some of the code. So simply removing this code is not an option. 

Cheers! = ) 


Hide your code that you don't want people to see in a script. For example, in the "sine_wave" example from the publish documentation page, I added a single line:

Here's the content of junk:

Now run your main script, and the published result has "junk" in the listing, but the contents of junk are not included, and you get the nice version of a sine wave, instead of the crappy one included in their example. 


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